
An Indian name meaning “noble”.

The name “Aryan” is of Persian origin, meaning “noble” or “honorable.” In ancient times, the term “Aryan” referred to the Indo-Iranian peoples who settled in Central and South Asia. It was later adopted by European scholars to describe the Proto-Indo-Europeans, creating a connection to the idea of a pure or superior race.

However, due to its association with Nazi ideology and white supremacy, the name “Aryan” has become controversial and stigmatized in many Western cultures. It is important to be mindful of this history and potential implications when considering this name for a child.

It’s also worth noting that in modern times, many parents who choose the name “Aryan” may simply appreciate its sound and meaning without any connection to its historical connotations. However, cultural sensitivity and awareness are key when selecting a name with such significant historical baggage.


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