
A bold and daring name that is sure to stand out; it means “Empty”.

The name Cassius is of Latin origin and means “vain” or “empty.” It is derived from the Roman family name Cassius, which was originally a Roman surname. One of the most famous bearers of this name was Gaius Cassius Longinus, a Roman senator and general who played a key role in the assassination of Julius Caesar.

The name Cassius has a strong and ancient history, with ties to Roman mythology and history. It has a distinguished and intellectual sound, making it an attractive choice for parents looking for a unique and meaningful name for their baby boy.

In addition to its historical significance, the name Cassius has also gained modern popularity due to its association with famous figures such as boxer Muhammad Ali, whose birth name was Cassius Clay. Overall, Cassius is a name with a rich background and a timeless appeal.


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