Names Starting With :


  • Annone

    The name ‘Annone’ is a unique and uncommon name that is of Italian origin. It is often used as a masculine name and has a rich history and cultural significance in Italy. The meaning of the name ‘Annone’ is derived from the Latin word “annona,” which originally referred to the year’s produce or supplies but…

  • Alexone

    The name Alexone is a unique and charming name for a baby girl. Alexone is a modern and stylish variation of the name Alex, which is often short for Alexander or Alexandra. The name Alex is of Greek origin, derived from the name Alexandros, meaning “defender of the people” or “protector of humanity”. With this…

  • Alone

    The name ‘Alone’ is quite unique and carries deep meaning. It originates from the Greek word “αλώνη” (aloni), which means “threshing floor” or “harvest.” In Greek mythology, a harvest was a time of abundance and prosperity, symbolizing a bountiful reward for hard work and perseverance. Culturally, the name ‘Alone’ can be interpreted as a representation…

  • Annan

    The baby name ‘Annan’ is a charming and distinctive name with a rich history and cultural significance. Originating from the Gaelic language, ‘Annan’ is a unisex name that means ‘from the brook’ or ‘from the river’. It is derived from the River Annan in Scotland, which flows through the town of Annan in Dumfries and…

  • Alexel

    “Alexel” is a unique and modern-sounding name that is not commonly found in traditional baby name lists. The name is believed to be a variation or combination of the popular names “Alex” and “Axel”, giving it a fresh and innovative appeal. “Alex” is typically short for names like Alexander or Alexandra, meaning “defender of the…

  • Annel

    Annel is a unique and elegant baby name that is of Dutch origin. It is a shortened form of the name Annelies, which is a variation of the name Anne, ultimately derived from the Hebrew name Hannah, meaning “grace” or “favored one”. While Annel is not a widely used name, it carries a sense of…

  • Aline

    The name ‘Aline’ is of French origin and is derived from the longer name ‘Adeline’. ‘Aline’ is a feminine name and carries the meaning of “noble” or “noble kind”. This name has a rich history and has been popular in various cultures for centuries. In terms of cultural significance, ‘Aline’ is a name that exudes…

  • Alel

    The name Alel is a unique and modern name that is of Hebrew origin. Its meaning is associated with the concept of “ascend” or “to go up”. In Hebrew culture, names often carry significant meanings and can represent qualities or characteristics that parents wish for their child to embody. Alel is a gender-neutral name, making…

  • Alexine

    ‘Alexine’ is a charming and feminine baby name that derives from the name ‘Alexandra.’ It is often seen as a stylish and unique variation of the more common name ‘Alexa’ or ‘Alexis’. The name ‘Alexine’ is of Greek origin, coming from the name ‘Alexandros’, which means “defender of the people” or “protector of mankind.” In…

  • Alelle

    The name ‘Alelle’ is a unique and beautiful choice for a baby, offering a sense of sophistication and mystery. Meaning: The name ‘Alelle’ does not have a widely recognized meaning in any specific language. As it is a relatively uncommon name, it may not have a specific, traditional meaning. However, some interpretations suggest that it…

  • Alette

    The name Alette is a beautiful and delicate name with Scandinavian origins. It is a diminutive of the name Alida, which itself is a variation of the Germanic name Adelheid, meaning “noble” or “of noble kind”. Culturally, the name Alette carries a sense of elegance and grace, often associated with qualities such as strength, kindness,…

  • Annine

    “Annine” is a lovely and unique baby name that has a delicate and feminine sound to it. The name is predominantly used in Scandinavian countries like Sweden, Denmark, and Norway. The name “Annine” is a diminutive form of the classic name “Anna,” which means “grace” or “favor” in Hebrew. It carries a sense of elegance…

  • Annelle

    Name: Annelle Meaning: The name Annelle is of French origin and is a combination of the names Ann and Elle. Ann is a variant of the name Anna, which means “grace” or “favor,” while Elle is a common element in French names, often associated with beauty and femininity. Therefore, Annelle can be interpreted as a…

  • Alexette

    “Alexette” is a beautiful and unique baby name that combines elements from the names “Alex” and “Ette.” The name “Alex” is commonly a shortened form of names such as Alexander or Alexandra, which have Greek origins meaning “defender of the people” or “protector.” It carries connotations of strength, protection, and leadership. The suffix “-ette” is…

  • Alexan

    The name “Alexan” is a unique and modern variation of the classic name “Alexander.” “Alexan” is of Greek origin and is derived from the Greek name “Alexandros,” which means “defender of the people” or “protector of mankind.” In terms of cultural significance, the name “Alexander” has a rich history, most notably associated with Alexander the…

  • Annette

    The name Annette is of French origin and is derived from the name Anne, which means “grace” or “favor” in Hebrew. It is commonly considered a diminutive form of Anne, adding a soft and sweet touch to the classic name. Annette has a delicate and elegant sound, making it a timeless and charming choice for…

  • Alexon

    Name: Alexon Meaning: ‘Alexon’ is a unique and modern name that combines elements from the popular names ‘Alex’ (meaning defender of the people) and ‘Jason’ (meaning healer or to heal). Therefore, the name ‘Alexon’ can be interpreted as ‘defender healer’ or ‘healing defender’. Origin: ‘Alexon’ does not have a clear historical origin, as it is…

  • Alexelle

    ‘Alexelle’ is a unique and modern baby name that combines elements of the traditional name ‘Alex’ with a more feminine ending. The name ‘Alex’ is typically a nickname for Alexander or Alexandra, which have Greek origins and mean ‘defender of the people’ or ‘protector of humanity’. By adding the distinctive ‘-elle’ ending, ‘Alexelle’ takes on…

  • Annon

    The name ‘Annon’ is a unique and uncommon choice for a baby boy. Its origin can be traced back to Welsh mythology, where it is thought to be derived from the Welsh word “annwfn,” meaning the Otherworld or the underworld. In Welsh folklore, Annwn is a mystical realm that is sometimes portrayed as a place…

  • Alexson

    The name ‘Alexson’ is a modern and unique variation of the popular name ‘Alexander’. It combines the classic sound of ‘Alex’ with the trendy suffix ‘son’, creating a fresh and contemporary twist on a traditional name. Originating from the Greek name ‘Alexandros’, ‘Alexson’ carries the powerful meaning of “defender of the people” or “protector of…

  • Annly

    The name ‘Annly’ is a unique and modern variation of the traditional name ‘Ann’ or ‘Anna’. It is more commonly used as a feminine name. Origin: ‘Annly’ is considered a modern American name that likely originated in the United States in recent years. It does not have a long historical presence, but it is derived…

  • Ally

    The baby name “Ally” is a popular and charming name for baby girls. It is of English origin and is derived from the name Alison, which in turn comes from the medieval French name “Alisoun.” The name “Ally” means “noble” or “noble kind,” reflecting qualities of honor, dignity, and grace. Culturally, the name “Ally” has…

  • Anna

    Name: Anna Meaning: The name Anna is of Hebrew origin and means “grace” or “favor”. It is often associated with qualities such as kindness, beauty, and elegance. Origin: Anna has a long history and is found in various cultures around the world. It has roots in the ancient Hebrew name Hannah, which appears in the…

  • Alo

    The name ‘Alo’ is a unique and intriguing name for a baby, with a range of cultural and linguistic significance. Meaning: ‘Alo’ is a unisex name with various meanings across different cultures. In Hawaiian, ‘Alo’ means “presence” or “face,” symbolizing a state of being present or mindful. In Finnish, ‘Alo’ is a rare variant of…

  • Anno

    Name: Anno Meaning: Anno is a unisex name of German origin, meaning “year” or “harvest.” It is a simple and modern name that carries a sense of renewal and abundance. Origin: Anno is derived from the old Germanic word “anno,” which literally translates to “year.” In German-speaking countries, it is often used as a given…

  • Alexa

    The name Alexa is a popular and modern feminine name with Greek origins. It is a shortened form of Alexander, which means “defender of the people” or “protector of mankind”. Alexa has gained popularity in various cultures around the world due to its simplicity, elegance, and versatility. It is considered a strong and independent name…

  • Alson

    The name ‘Alson’ is of English origin and is a modern variation of the traditional English name ‘Alison’. It is often used as a unisex name, suitable for both boys and girls. The meaning of the name ‘Alson’ is derived from the Old Germanic name ‘Adalheidis’, which means “noble” or “of noble birth”. This name…

  • Alexie

    The name ‘Alexie’ is a unique and modern variant of the name ‘Alexis’. It is typically considered a unisex name, although it is predominantly used as a feminine name in some cultures. The name ‘Alexie’ is of Greek origin and is derived from the name ‘Alexios’, which means “defender” or “protector.” In Greek mythology, the…

  • Alie

    The name Alie is a charming and graceful name with a variety of origins and meanings. Meaning: Alie is often considered a variant of the name Ali, which has multiple meanings depending on the cultural context. In Arabic, Ali means “high” or “lofty,” representing nobility and strength. In Hebrew, Ali means “ascent” or “going up,”…

  • Annen

    The name ‘Annen’ is a charming and unique choice for a baby girl. It is of Turkish origin and is pronounced as “AH-nen”. The name is derived from the Turkish word “anne,” which means ‘mother’. ‘Annen’ holds a special significance in Turkish culture as it reflects a deep respect for the role of motherhood and…