Names Starting With :


  • Jordanly

    Interestingly, the name ‘Jordanly’ is quite unique and is not commonly found in traditional baby name lists. It appears to be a modern and creative combination of the name ‘Jordan’ with the suffix ‘-ly’ added to it. The name ‘Jordan’ itself has origins in Hebrew and means “flowing down” or “coming down.” It is also…

  • Jamiea

    ‘Jamiea’ is a unique and modern name that is a variation of the popular name ‘Jamie’. It is considered a feminine version of the unisex name ‘Jamie’ and adds a touch of elegance and femininity to the original name. The name ‘Jamiea’ does not have a specific meaning as it is a modern name creation.…

  • Jamieson

    Name: Jamieson Meaning: Jamieson is a masculine name of English and Scottish origin, derived from the medieval personal name “James”, which comes from the Hebrew name “Ya’aqov” meaning “supplanter” or “one who follows”. The addition of the suffix “-son” indicates “son of James”. Origin: The name Jamieson has roots in both English and Scottish traditions.…

  • Jenen

    The name Jenen is a unique and captivating choice for a baby, with a rich history and meaning. Originating from the Arabic language, Jenen means “paradise” or “garden of paradise.” This beautiful name evokes images of beauty, tranquility, and abundance, making it a lovely choice for parents seeking a name with a celestial and heavenly…

  • Jordanie

    Name: Jordanie Meaning: Jordanie is a unique and modern variation of the name Jordan. The name Jordan originally comes from the Hebrew word “Yarden,” meaning “descend” or “flow down.” It is also often associated with the Jordan River in the Middle East, which holds religious significance in Christianity. Origin: While Jordanie is not a traditional…

  • Jordanson

    ‘Jordanson’ is a modern and unique baby name that combines elements of two popular names, Jordan and Anderson. The name ‘Jordan’ originates from Hebrew and means “to flow down” or “descend.” In biblical context, the River Jordan holds significant symbolism as a place of renewal and transition. ‘Anderson,’ on the other hand, is of Scandinavian…

  • Jessie

    The name “Jessie” is a gender-neutral name that has various origins and meanings. It is often used as a diminutive form of the names Jessica, Jennifer, or Jesse. 1. Meaning: The name “Jessie” is derived from the Hebrew name Yiska, which means “foresight” or “to behold.” It can also be linked to the name Jesse,…

  • Jamieie

    It seems there may be a slight misspelling in the name “Jamieie.” However, if you were referring to the name “Jamie” instead, here is some information about it: **Name:** Jamie **Meaning:** The name Jamie is derived from the Hebrew name Jacob, meaning “supplanter” or “one who follows.” It can also be seen as a diminutive…

  • Jessa

    The name Jessa is a charming and feminine name with English origins. It is often considered a modern variation of the name Jessica. Jessa is derived from the name Jesse, which itself is of Hebrew origin meaning “gift” or “God’s grace.” In recent years, Jessa has gained popularity as a standalone name, separate from Jessica.…

  • Jordanen

    The name “Jordanen” is a unique and uncommon name that has an intriguing and modern sound. While not a traditional name, it has the potential to be seen as trendy and original. The name “Jordanen” is believed to be a variant of the name “Jordan” or “Jordana,” which is of Hebrew origin. In Hebrew, the…

  • Jenly

    ‘Jenly’ is a uniquely modern and trendy baby name that has been gaining popularity in recent years. The name ‘Jenly’ is of American origin and is believed to be a modern variation of the name ‘Jennifer’ or a combination of ‘Jen’ with another name ending like ‘Emily’ or ‘Carly’. In terms of meaning, ‘Jenly’ does…

  • Jessly

    The name Jessly is a unique and modern name that is a variation of the name Jessa or Jessica. It is believed to be of American origin, created by combining the name elements of Jessica and another name, possibly Leslie or Emily. The name Jessly carries the meaning of being graceful, elegant, and charming. It…

  • Jamiely

    “Jamiely” is a modern and unique baby name that is a variant of the name “Jamie,” which itself originates from the Hebrew name “James” or “Jacob.” The name “Jamiely” is often used as a feminine form of “Jamie” and has gained popularity in recent years. The name “Jamiely” does not have a specific cultural or…

  • Jessson

    ‘Jessson’ is a unique and modern baby name that does not have a well-documented meaning or origin. It appears to be a creative variant of the popular name ‘Jesse’. ‘Jesse’ is of Hebrew origin and means “gift” or “God’s gift.” The name ‘Jessson’ may be a blend of ‘Jesse’ and another name, bringing a fresh…

  • Jena

    The name ‘Jena’ is a feminine name with multiple origins and meanings. One possible origin is from the Sanskrit word “jenna,” meaning “small bird” or “paradise.” This interpretation gives ‘Jena’ a delicate and sweet connotation, making it a whimsical choice for a baby girl. Another possible origin of ‘Jena’ is from the Old High German…

  • Jeno

    ‘Jeno’ is a charming and unique baby name with Hungarian origins. It is often considered a diminutive form of the name ‘Jenő’, which means “noble” or “well-born” in Hungarian. In Hungarian culture, names often hold special meanings and are selected with great care. Naming a child ‘Jeno’ could be seen as bestowing upon them qualities…

  • Jamieo

    The name ‘Jamieo’ is a unique and modern name that is of English origin. It is a variant of the name ‘Jamie’, which is a diminutive of the name ‘James’. The name James has Hebrew roots and means “supplanter” or “one who follows”. ‘Jamieo’ may be seen as a playful and creative twist on the…

  • Jessen

    Certainly! Name: Jessen Meaning: The name Jessen is of Danish origin and is a variant of the name Jess. It means “gift” or “wealthy”, symbolizing a blessing or abundance. Origin: Jessen is derived from the name Jess, which is a shortened form of the Biblical name Jesse. Jesse was the father of King David in…

  • Jenie

    The name ‘Jenie’ is a charming and unique name with various origins and cultural significance. Origin: – ‘Jenie’ can be considered a modern and creative variation of the name ‘Jenny’, which is often used as a diminutive form of Jennifer, a name of Welsh origin that means “fair and smooth.” – It can also be…

  • Jordana

    The name Jordana is a beautiful and unique name for a baby girl. It is of Hebrew origin and means “flowing down” or “to descend.” In Hebrew culture, the name Jordana is often associated with strength, grace, and femininity. It represents the idea of something flowing or descending smoothly and elegantly, which can symbolize a…

  • Jordano

    The name ‘Jordano’ is of Italian and Spanish origin. It is derived from the name ‘Jordan’, which itself has Hebrew roots, meaning “to flow down” or “descend”. The name ‘Jordan’ also refers to the famous Jordan River in the Middle East. ‘Jordano’ has a strong and masculine sound, evoking qualities such as strength, resilience, and…

  • Jeremias

    A Portuguese form of the Hebrew name Jeremiah, meaning “Yahweh will exalt” in English. Jeremias is a masculine name that originates from the Hebrew name Yirmeyahu, meaning “Yahweh has uplifted” or “Yahweh will exalt.” The name has biblical origins, being borne by a prophet in the Old Testament, known in English as Jeremiah. Jeremiah was…

  • Jaime

    A Spanish form of the name James, derived from Hebrew Yaakov, meaning “supplanter”. Jaime is a unisex name of Spanish origin, which is derived from the name James. The name Jaime means “supplanter” or “one who follows” and has roots in Hebrew and Latin languages. Historically, the name Jaime has been popular in Spanish-speaking countries,…

  • Jase

    A modern variant of Jason, meaning “healer”. “Jase” is often used as a shortened form or a derivative of the name “Jason.” The name “Jason” has Greek origins and is derived from the Greek name “Iason,” meaning “healer” or “the one who heals.” In Greek mythology, Jason was the leader of the Argonauts, a group…

  • Jalen

    A combination of the names Jay and Alan, meaning “a beautiful place”. The name Jalen is of American origin and is a modern name that has gained popularity in recent years. It is a variation of the name Jaylen, which is a combination of the names Jay and Len. The name Jay is of Latin…

  • Josephine

    From the Hebrew Yosef, meaning “God will increase”. Name: Josephine Meaning: Josephine is a feminine given name of French origin, derived from the male name Joseph. It means “God will increase” or “may God add.” Background history: Josephine is a classic and elegant name that has been popular in France and English-speaking countries for centuries.…

  • Jasper

    Derived from a Persian name meaning “bringer of treaure”. The name Jasper is of English origin and has Germanic roots, derived from the Old French name Gaspar, which itself comes from the Persian name Caspar. The name Jasper is often associated with the semi-precious stone of the same name, which is known for its unique…

  • Jagger

    An English name derived from “jaguar”, referring to a large and fierce wildcat. The name Jagger is of English origin and is derived from the Old English name “Jagger,” which means “carter” or “peddler.” It was originally a surname used to describe someone who worked as a carter, a person who transported goods using a…

  • Joshua

    A Hebrew name meaning “Yahweh is salvation”. The name Joshua is of Hebrew origin and means “Yahweh is salvation” or “Yahweh saves.” In the Bible, Joshua was a prominent figure who succeeded Moses as the leader of the Israelites and led them into the Promised Land. Joshua is known for his bravery, faith, and determination.…

  • Jesse

    A Hebrew name, meaning “gift”. The name Jesse is a Hebrew name that means “gift” or “God’s gift.” It is derived from the Hebrew name Yishai, which was the name of the father of King David in the Bible. Jesse’s lineage is traced back to the tribe of Judah, and he is known for being…