Names Starting With :


  • Marel

    Marel is a unique and intriguing baby name that is derived from Old English origins. The name Marel is thought to be a variant spelling of the name Muriel, which means “sea bright” or “shining sea”. This beautiful meaning brings to mind images of the sparkling waters of the ocean, conveying a sense of tranquility…

  • Megelle

    The name Megelle is a unique and modern-sounding name for a baby girl. Despite its contemporary feel, the name Megelle does not have a well-established meaning or origin, as it is a relatively rare and unconventional name. It is possible that Megelle could be a modern variant or a combination of other names, but its…

  • Morganine

    The name Morganine is a unique and inventive choice for a baby girl. It is a modern and whimsical twist on the more traditional name Morgan. The origin of the name Morganine is actually uncertain as it is a rare and uncommon name, but it is believed to have Celtic roots. The name Morgan is…

  • Melelle

    The name Melelle is a unique and exotic choice for a baby girl. While the name itself does not have a widely recognized meaning or origin, it is believed to have roots in various cultures and languages. The name Melelle has a melodic sound to it, making it a popular choice for parents looking for…

  • Megon

    ‘Megon’ is a unique and modern baby name, typically considered a variant of the name Megan. Megan is of Welsh origin and means “pearl.” Pearls are a symbol of beauty and purity, making this name a lovely choice for a baby girl. Culturally, the name Megan is widely popular in Wales, where it is commonly…

  • Meline

    The baby name “Meline” is a sweet and elegant name that holds a unique charm. Originating from Armenia, Meline is derived from the Armenian word “melineh”, which means “intoxicating” or “captivating”. This name exudes a sense of allure and enchantment, making it a popular choice for parents looking for a name with a bit of…

  • Megette

    ‘Megette’ is a unique and elegant baby name that has French origins. The name is derived from the French word “mége,” which means ‘capable’ or ‘lovable.’ This gives the name a beautiful meaning of being able and loved. While ‘Megette’ may not be a widely used name, it carries a sense of sophistication and charm.…

  • Morganette

    ‘Morganette’ is a unique and whimsical name that has a feminine and elegant feel. It is a variation of the name ‘Morgan’, which originated from Wales and is derived from the Old Welsh name ‘Morcant’, meaning “sea chief” or “sea defender”. The name ‘Morganette’ likely originated as a modern twist on the classic name ‘Morgan’,…

  • Maxette

    The name ‘Maxette’ is a feminine variation of the name ‘Max’, which is typically a shortened form of the Latin name ‘Maximus’ meaning “greatest” or “most excellent”. ‘Maxette’ carries a similar meaning of greatness or excellence, making it a powerful and inspiring name choice for a baby girl. While ‘Maxette’ does not have a long…

  • Melan

    The name Melan is derived from various origins and has multiple meanings, making it a unique and versatile choice for a baby name. Originating from Greek roots, Melan can be linked to the Greek word “melas” meaning “black” or “dark.” This association can evoke images of strength, mystery, and elegance. In some cultures, the color…

  • Mattine

    The name ‘Mattine’ is a charming and unique name that exudes elegance and grace. It is a variant of the name ‘Matina’, which is of Greek origin. In Greek, ‘Matina’ is derived from the name ‘Matthaios’, which means ‘gift of God’. This beautiful meaning adds a spiritual and divine touch to the name ‘Mattine’. While…

  • Maran

    The name Maran is a unique and intriguing name with a rich history and meaning. Maran is believed to be of Hebrew origin, derived from the Aramaic word “Marana tha,” which means “Our Lord, come.” This name has significant religious connotations and is often associated with prayers and supplications for the coming of the Lord…

  • Maren

    The name Maren is a beautiful and unique choice for a baby girl. Maren is of Scandinavian origin and is derived from the name Marina, meaning “of the sea” or “sea-born.” This name has a strong connection to the ocean, symbolizing depth, mystery, and tranquility. In Scandinavian cultures, the sea is an integral part of…

  • Matten

    Name: Matten Meaning: The name Matten is a variant of the name Matthew, which is of Hebrew origin and means “gift of God” or “gift from God”. It signifies a sense of blessing and divine favor. Origin: Matten stems from the English language and is primarily a modernized, alternative spelling of the traditional name Matthew.…

  • Morganly

    The baby name ‘Morganly’ is a unique and beautiful name that is of English origin. It is a modern variation of the name ‘Morgan’, which has Welsh roots and means “sea-born” or “bright sea.” The name Morgan is traditionally a unisex name, but Morganly has a more feminine sound to it. In terms of cultural…

  • Mara

    The name Mara has a rich history and carries multiple meanings across different cultures. Mara is a feminine name that has origins in several languages, including Hebrew, Gaelic, and Sanskrit. In Hebrew, Mara means “bitter” or “sorrow,” and it has significance in the biblical context as well. In the Bible, Mara is the name of…

  • Mega

    The name Mega is of Greek origin and carries a unique and powerful meaning. In Greek, Mega means “great” or “large,” symbolizing strength and grandeur. This name is often associated with someone who possesses a bold and impactful presence. In terms of cultural significance, the name Mega can be seen as a representation of vitality…

  • Mattie

    ‘Mattie’ is a charming and sweet name that carries a sense of warmth and familiarity. It is a diminutive form of the name ‘Matilda’ or ‘Matthew’, both of which have Germanic origins. ‘Mattie’ is commonly used as a unisex name, suitable for both boys and girls. The name ‘Mattie’ is derived from the Old German…

  • Melly

    The name ‘Melly’ is often considered a variation of the more popular name ‘Melanie’. It is of Greek origin and is derived from the name Melaina, which means “dark” or “black”. In Greek mythology, Melaina was a nymph associated with honey and bees. Though ‘Melly’ is a less common name, it exudes a sense of…

  • Maxie

    Sure! The name Maxie is typically used as a shortened form or nickname for the name Maximilian or Maxine. For boys, Maximilian is of Latin origin meaning “greatest” or “the greatest.” It has a strong and powerful connotation, evoking qualities of leadership and strength. Maximilian has a long history in various cultures, and has been…

  • Morganie

    The name Morganie is a modern and unique twist on the classic name Morgan. The name Morgan itself has Welsh origins and means “sea circle” or “bright sea.” It is also thought to be derived from the Old Welsh name Morcant, meaning “sea defender.” Morganie can be seen as a feminized version of Morgan, with…

  • Melie

    The name Melie is a charming and whimsical name that exudes sweetness and grace. It is thought to be of Greek origin, derived from the Greek name “Melissa”, meaning “honeybee”. In Greek mythology, Melissa was a nymph who cared for Zeus as a baby, feeding him honey so that he would become immortal. This has…

  • Mattly

    The name ‘Mattly’ is a modern and unique baby name that is believed to be a variation or a combination of the names ‘Matthew’ and ‘Emily’. It is not a traditional name with a long history but has gained popularity in recent years as a creative and trendy choice for baby boys or girls. The…

  • Morgano

    ‘Morgano’ is a unique and distinctive baby name that exudes a sense of mystery and intrigue. This name has Celtic origins and is derived from the Old Irish name ‘Morgan’, meaning “bright sea” or “sea chief”. The name ‘Morgano’ is a variation of ‘Morgan’, giving it a more modern and artistic appeal. In terms of…

  • Maxson

    The name Maxson is a modern and unique variation of the popular name Max, derived from the Latin name Maximus, which means “greatest” or “largest.” Maxson combines the traditional sound of Max with a contemporary twist, making it a fresh and trendy choice for parents looking for a familiar yet distinctive name for their baby…

  • Matto

    ‘Matto’ is a unique and captivating baby name with Italian origins. This name is derived from the Latin name ‘Matthaeus’, which means ‘gift of God’ or ‘gift from Yahweh’. The name ‘Matto’ has a warm and inviting sound while also exuding a sense of strength and resilience. In Italian culture, names hold a special significance…

  • Mattson

    ‘Mattson’ is a modern and unique baby name that is seen as a variation of the timeless name ‘Matthew’. It is of English origin and is derived from the Hebrew name ‘Matityahu’, which means ‘gift of God’ or ‘gift from Yahweh’. The name has a strong biblical significance as Matthew was one of the twelve…

  • Maxen

    “Maxen” is a unique and strong name of Welsh origin that is gaining popularity in recent years. It is believed to be a variation of the name “Maximilian”, which means “the greatest” or “the greatest rival” in Latin. In Welsh mythology, Maxen is associated with a legendary king who is said to have ruled a…

  • Maxo

    Name: Maxo Meaning: The name Maxo is a variant of the name Max, which is a short form of Maximilian or Maxwell. Maxo carries similar meanings as Max, which often symbolizes strength and greatness. Origin: Maxo is a modern and unique name that does not have a specific historical or cultural origin. It is derived…

  • Melson

    The baby name Melson is of English origin and is a variant of the name Melvin. The name Melvin is believed to be derived from the Old Welsh name Medelfin, which means “chief” or “ruler.” As a result, Melson carries a similar meaning, symbolizing leadership, authority, and strength. In terms of cultural significance, the name…