Names Starting With :


  • Zephyrin

    An inspired and assertive name meaning “Gentle Breeze”. The name Zephyrin is of Greek origin, derived from the word “Zephyros”, which means “the west wind”. In Greek mythology, Zephyrus was the god of the west wind, representing gentle, warm breezes that often brought pleasant weather. Zephyrin is a unique and rare name that is associated…

  • Zakki

    An intelligent name meaning “Pure”. The name Zakki is a unique and modern variation of the name Zachary. It is typically considered a unisex name, although it is more commonly used for boys. The name Zakki is of Hebrew origin and is derived from the name Zechariah, which means “God has remembered” or “Yahweh remembers.”…

  • Zenovius

    A noble and wise name of Greek origin meaning “Life”. The name Zenovius is quite rare and unique, originating from the Latin name Zenobius. The name Zenobius is derived from the Greek name Zenobios, which means “with life” or “vital” in Greek. Zenovius has a rich history dating back to ancient Rome, where Zenobius was…

  • Zekiel

    A name of Hebrew origin meaning “God strengthens”. The name Zekiel is a unique and intriguing choice for a baby boy. It has Hebrew origins and is a variant of the name Ezekiel. The name Ezekiel comes from the Hebrew name Yehezqel, meaning “God strengthens” or “May God strengthen.” This name has strong biblical roots,…

  • Zadey

    A protector of justice The name Zadey is a unique and modern name that has gained popularity in recent years. It has a pleasant and charming sound to it, making it a lovely choice for a baby girl. The meaning of the name Zadey is not widely documented, as it is a newer and less…

  • Zaccariah

    A zealous name that stands for “God has Remembered”. The name Zaccariah is a unique variation of the more common name Zachariah or Zachary. It is of Hebrew origin and means “remembered by God” or “God has remembered.” The name has a strong biblical background and is found in the Old Testament as the name…

  • Zadar

    A determined name implying “Powerful and Courageous”. The name Zadar is of Slavic origin and is most commonly associated with the ancient city of Zadar in Croatia. The city of Zadar has a rich history dating back to Roman times and has been influenced by various civilizations over the centuries, including the Venetians and the…

  • Zallo

    A compassionate and nurturing name meaning “Tree of joy”. The name Zallo is a unique and uncommon name of Basque origin. In Basque culture, names often have strong ties to nature, the land, and folklore. Zallo is a name that is deeply rooted in Basque tradition, and its exact meaning can vary depending on the…

  • Ziggy

    An energetic and lively name derived from “Victory” in the language of origin. The name Ziggy is of English origin and is often considered a playful and unique name for a baby boy. It is believed to have first gained popularity as a nickname for names like Zephyr or Zachary. The name Ziggy is also…

  • Zave

    A name derived from the Latin, meaning strong. The name Zave is a unique and modern choice for a baby boy. While it does not have a widely recognized meaning or established historical background, it is believed to be a variation or a modern twist on the name Zachary or Xavier. Zave is a short…

  • Zela

    An Old English name meaning ‘wealthy’. The name Zela is of Greek origin and has multiple meanings, such as “zeal” or “ardor.” It is a unique and modern-sounding name that exudes energy and enthusiasm. While not as commonly used as some other names, Zela has a certain charm and originality that makes it stand out.…

  • Zechariah

    A determined name meaning “God Remembered”. The name Zechariah is of Hebrew origin and means “God has remembered.” In the Bible, Zechariah was a prophet and the author of the Book of Zechariah, which is one of the 12 Minor Prophets in the Old Testament. He is also known for the story of Zechariah and…

  • Zarob

    A bold and assertive name meaning “Thorny”. The name Zarob is of Arabic origin and its meaning is “achievement” or “success.” In Arabic culture, the concept of achievement and success is highly valued, making Zarob a powerful name choice for parents seeking a name that conveys ambition and the potential for great accomplishments. The name…

  • Zydia

    A spiritual name meaning “My Light”. The name Zydia is a unique and modern twist on the more traditional name Lydia. While Lydia is of Greek origin and means “woman from Lydia” (a region in western Asia Minor), Zydia does not have a widely recognized meaning. Zydia is a relatively uncommon name and does not…

  • Zenonas

    Someone at the top of their game Name Meaning: Zenonas is a Lithuanian name derived from the Greek name Zenon, which means “of Zeus” or “gift of Zeus.” The name carries connotations of strength, power, and divine favor. Background History: Zenonas has historical roots in ancient Greek philosophy, as it was the name of several…

  • Zayd

    An adventurous name meaning “Growth”. The name Zayd is of Arabic origin and means “abundance” or “growth.” It is a popular name in various Arabic-speaking countries and among Muslim communities around the world. Zayd was also the name of a well-known figure in Islamic history. Zayd ibn Harithah was a companion of the Prophet Muhammad…

  • Zaccai

    An insightful name meaning “Pure”. Name: Zaccai Meaning: The name Zaccai is of Hebrew origin and means “pure” or “innocent.” It is believed to have a spiritual connotation, symbolizing a person of high moral character and integrity. Background history: Zaccai is a biblical name that appears in the Old Testament as a descendant of King…

  • Zein

    A bold name meaning “Beauty”. The name Zein is of Arabic origin and means “beautiful” or “handsome.” It is a unisex name, though more commonly used for boys. Zein is a name that is found across various Arabic-speaking countries and communities. In Islamic tradition, the name is often considered a positive attribute, reflecting someone who…

  • Zannen

    An extraordinary and noble name meaning “Futsal Court”. The name Zannen is of Japanese origin and is not commonly used as a given name. The meaning of Zannen in Japanese is “unlucky” or “regrettable.” It is not a traditional Japanese name but could possibly be a modern creation. Given its meaning, Zannen may not be…

  • Zaveon

    A kind and loving name meaning “Musical”. Name: Zaveon Meaning: Zaveon is a modern name that does not have a traditional meaning. It is a unique and creative name that may have been formed by blending other names or deriving inspiration from various sources. Background history: Zaveon is a contemporary name that likely emerged in…

  • Zürich

    A Swiss name that means ‘confluence of waters’. The name Zürich is a unique and modern choice for a baby name, inspired by the city of Zurich in Switzerland. Zurich is the largest city in Switzerland and is known for its picturesque setting on the shores of Lake Zurich and the Limmat River, as well…

  • Zakk

    Derived from Hebrew, meaning ‘God is righteous’. The name Zakk is a modern variant of the name Zachary, which has Hebrew origins meaning “remembered by God” or “God has remembered.” Zachary is a name that appears in the Bible, with one famous figure being the father of John the Baptist. The name has been popular…

  • Zai

    A brave and wise name meaning “A Heaven”. The name Zai is of Chinese origin and means “beginning” or “birth.” It is a unisex name that is short and easy to pronounce, making it a popular choice for parents seeking a modern and unique name for their child. In Chinese culture, names are often chosen…

  • Zibeon

    A determined name meaning “Hyena”. The name Zibeon has its origins in Hebrew and is derived from the Bible. In the Old Testament, Zibeon was recorded as the name of a descendant of Esau, who was a grandson of Abraham. The meaning of the name Zibeon is not explicitly defined, but some sources suggest that…

  • Zamion

    A dignified name meaning “Song”. The name Zamion is of American origin and is thought to be a unique and modern variation of the more traditional name Damien. The name Damien itself has ties to Greek and Latin origins, with meanings like “to tame” or “subdue.” Zamion has a trendy and contemporary feel while still…

  • Zephaniah

    A heavenly name meaning “God Has Hidden”. Name: Zephaniah Meaning: Zephaniah is a Hebrew name meaning “Yahweh has hidden” or “Yahweh has treasured”. It carries a sense of mystery and a divine connection, as it references the hidden nature of God. Background: Zephaniah is a name found in the Bible, belonging to a prophet in…

  • Zhaiden

    A loyal and honest name meaning “God is Gracious”. The name Zhaiden is a unique and modern name that does not have a traditional origin or widely recognized meaning. It is possible that the name is a modern creation or a variation of more common names like Zayden or Jayden. Names like Zhaiden often emerge…

  • Zackariah

    Meaning ‘God remembered’ in Hebrew. Zackariah is a unique variation of the traditional name Zachariah, which has Hebrew origins meaning “the Lord has remembered.” In the Bible, Zachariah was a prophet and the author of the Book of Zechariah. The name conveys a sense of divine remembrance and blessings. The name Zackariah is often seen…

  • Zaydon

    A dependable and courageous name meaning “God will judge”. The name Zaydon is of American origin and is a modern variation of the name Zayd or Zaid. Zayd originates from Arabic and means “abundance” or “growth.” It is a name that conveys strength, vitality, and prosperity. Zaydon carries a similar meaning to Zayd but with…

  • Zaylan

    A smart and confident name meaning “Gazelle”. The name Zaylan is of American origin and is considered to be a modern variation of the name Zayn or Zayden. It is a unique and trendy name that has gained popularity in recent years. The name Zaylan is often associated with qualities such as strength, creativity, and…