
An Arabic name meaning ‘fate’, it speaks of a special connection to the divine, and of being one with one’s destiny.

Name: Qadar

Meaning: Qadar is an Arabic name that means “destiny” or “fate”. It is often used to symbolize the belief that everything in life is predestined and determined by a higher power.

Background: In Islamic tradition, Qadar is a fundamental concept that refers to divine predestination. Muslims believe that everything that happens in the world is ultimately decreed by Allah’s will. The name Qadar reflects this concept of fate and the idea that one’s life path is predetermined.

Popularity: The name Qadar is relatively rare and unique, making it a distinctive choice for a baby name. It is more commonly used in Muslim-majority countries or among individuals of Islamic faith.

Overall, the name Qadar conveys a sense of profound meaning and spirituality, making it a meaningful and culturally rich choice for parents seeking a name with Islamic origins.


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