
Derived from the Persian ‘Marduk’, which means ‘king’.

The name Mordecai is of Hebrew origin and means “warrior” or “servant of Marduk.”

In the Bible, Mordecai was a Jewish man living in Persia during the reign of King Xerxes. He is known for his role in the story of Esther, where he adopted and raised his cousin Esther who later became queen and helped to save the Jewish people from a genocide plot orchestrated by the king’s advisor, Haman.

Mordecai is often seen as a symbol of resilience, courage, and loyalty. The name has religious significance for those of Jewish faith and has been used throughout history in various cultures.

Choosing the name Mordecai for your child could be a nod to bravery, strength, and standing up for what is right. It carries a sense of history and tradition while still sounding unique and distinctive.


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