
A heavenly name meaning “God Has Hidden”.

Name: Zephaniah

Meaning: Zephaniah is a Hebrew name meaning “Yahweh has hidden” or “Yahweh has treasured”. It carries a sense of mystery and a divine connection, as it references the hidden nature of God.

Background: Zephaniah is a name found in the Bible, belonging to a prophet in the Old Testament. He authored the Book of Zephaniah, which contains prophecies about the Day of the Lord and the judgment of nations. Through his teachings, Zephaniah emphasized the importance of seeking righteousness and God’s mercy.

Popularity: The name Zephaniah is relatively uncommon in modern times, making it a unique and distinctive choice for a baby name. Its historical and biblical significance can add a layer of depth and meaning to a child’s identity.

Potential Nicknames: Some possible nicknames for Zephaniah include Zeph, Zephy, or Niah, providing a more casual or shortened option for everyday use.

Overall, Zephaniah is a powerful and spiritual name with a rich history and deep significance. It can be a meaningful choice for parents seeking a name that reflects faith, strength, and a connection to the divine.


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